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tv   FOX News Sunday With Chris Wallace  FOX News  April 27, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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business can't. government employees can forcibly take our money, put us in jail, take our freedom. government spying is a much bigger threat than anything business might do. that's our show for tonight. see you next week. the performance review.
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we'll give you $150. comcast business built for business. >> the u.s. and european union are talking about imposing new sanction on russia as soon as tomorrow. because of its failure to de-escalate the situation in ukraine. for the latest we bring in fox news live from eastern ukraine. leland. >> chris, the president has been trying to walk a very fine line in this crisis keeping the europeans involved with these sanctions, while at the same time making the sanctions tough enough that moscow notices it and perhaps walks back some of the threats to invade ukraine. he spoke to that point earlier today. sfroo we're going to be in a stronger position to deter mr. putin when he sees that the world is unified and the united states and europe is unified
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rather than this is just a u.s., russian conflict. >> this tough talk has not changed many on the ground. the pro-russian separatists still hold a number of hostages, including eye group of international monitors that they paraded out in front of a press conference today calling them "prisoners of war." the russian foreign minister has said she will try and help get these people freed and use his country's influence. so far that is proved to either be an empty promise or these militia men are not -- they are are demanding a prisoner swap from ukrainian government in kiev, and they want to split the eastern half of this country off into something akin to a russian aligned satellite state. ukrainian troops have surrounded their stronghold in the past couple of days, but so far have not moved in with their tanks and armored personnel carriers. the ukrainians are not giving up. we went out to the border with russia and there they had built
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a 12 foot wide, nine foot deep trench that is designed to slow down or perhaps even stop the 40,000 or so russian troops that are poised on the border awaiting the invasion order from president putin. military experts, though, will tell you that would have been a brilliant defensive strategy back during world war i about 100 years ago, but in the modern times, it would be a little bit more than a speed bump if the russians decide to make good on those threats to invade eastern ukraine. chris. >> leland vitter reporting from eastern ukraine. fascinating. sflirchlg tile for the sunday group. syndicated columnist george will, author of the new book "ace nice little place on the north side" about wrigley field at 100. amy walter, from the cook political report. gop strategist karl rove and fox news political analyst juan williams. well, the rhetoric racheted up sharply this week with russian and ukrainian officials beginning to taub for the first
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time about military force. take a look. >> if we are attacked, we would certainly respond. it's an attack against the russian federation. >> the world has not yet forgotten the second world war, but russia is already keen on starting a third world war. >> george, where are we now in this standoff? >> lavrov has said that russians in distress who are outside of russia will be treated as attacked on the russian federation. secretary kerry said we want russia wra to use its influence with what we call the militants. >> several billion two weeks ago, i guess, now that the commander of nato said this is a military operation, so we're already in a sense at war.
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i guess the stakes now are looking ahead to may 25th when there's supposed to be a presidential election. putin's objective i think to stop this. >> amy, there's been a lot of criticism of president obama's handling of the crisis in ukraine, but aside from that from people like job mccain or lindsey gram, you don't get a lot of push up on capitol hill from republicans about the u.s. getting more deeply involved. >> right. especially when it comes to military intervention. i mean, we obviously have a very war-weary country that doesn't quite know what we want to do about this. it's taken its toll on the president as well. his approval rating has gone down, and also his handling of issues on foreign policy continue to dwindle as well. there's a sense that i think from the american public that they don't really like what they see in the president. they would like to see more where are thsh don't know what
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it is. they know what they don't want to see. and that's any sort of involvement militarily by the united states. this is a very difficult box that the president and republicans find themselves in right now. where it's taking the toll to become the president's overall approval. >> there are sectianctions agai russia, but targeted sanctions against individual institutions like banks. not sanctions against sectors like the mining sector or the energy sector. this is how secretary of state john kerry frame the question. >> first of all, do you think that putin thinks that he has a window and that it's closing in on him and, secondly, what can -- what can the president do
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given the box that i think aim where i accurately described where the public very much doesn't want military involvement and where sanctions, first of all, we're fighting even to get targeted sanctions with our russian and -- european allies and sanctions against and the economies seem to be off the table. what does the president -- >> well, look, the american people don't know what we want to do because the president doesn't appear to know what he wants to do. he has been behind the power curve right from the get go. putin needs to be surprised by the depth and strength of america and our allies' reaction, which means these sanctions need to be surprisingly tough. as tough as they can possibly be. if some need to be unilateral, make them unilateral. if we say certain russian banks can't do business with u.s. banks, that may mean they do business with german or british or french banks, but they want access to the american market. second of all, we need to have a strategic name work.
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the president needs to understand that this is a lemon. our relationship with russia over to union crane, turn it into lemonade. it pushed them to the west. for example, the -- they worked out with the borj georgeans and two pipelines to get their oil and gas to the west without having to go through russia and why did they do that? because they were reacting to the president. >> in case of ukraine, we have to take steps immediately to begin to say we will sell u.s. natural gas to europe, and we will extradite the creations necessary to do that. this week we had an important bit of little news which was that some of the central european countries are making agreements with the ukraine for reverse flow. that is to say to be able to sell gas from central and western europe to ukraine or to relieve them of some of the buying russian gas, but there needs to be a strategic framework that says what are we going to do to take advantage of this moment that we didn't want, but that was given to us.
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ukraine has been lost to the russians for a generation. the question is are we going to act thoughtfully enough, sensibly enough, and strong enough that the ukrainians and the central europeans and the western europeans say, you know what, we stand with the united states and nato, and we come out of this stronger? >> i want you to weigh in on this and we would like you to reference what leland vitter talked about in his report, which was that there were independent monitors from the osce who were there just as military independent monitors to monitor the situation. they didn't have weapons. >> it's a swap of some of their people. >> it's horrible, but it is.
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also, establishing autonomous regions under his control because the ukrainian military is not sufficient to deal with these, you know, anonymously uniform subs, if you will, that come in and take control of these areas. mostly now russian-speaking areas in the eastern ukraine. i just want to come back to this idea that i think that the europeans the g-7 this week said, you know, we are ready to -- i don't know if they will follow through. it could be -- they are saying this is the germans and the english are saying we will cooperate with the united states. lavrov continues for talk with secretary kerry, and the idea that russia becomes a world pariah, isolated and contained by u.s. policies is not as far fetched. that is what is right now on the table despite the intense criticism. >> final thoughts? >> well, notice the mark.
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money is talking about crimea. we talked about eastern and western ukraine. crimea is the conflict. putin has won there. the army, if we can dignify such of ukraine, is being funded by bake sales and by an app on smartphones where ukrainians can contribute 50 cents to support. that tells you that putin will do whatever he wants. >> i'm sorry. there's never a final thought here. >> one minor correction. the monitors who were -- who have now been apprehended by the let's be -- these are russian special forces and militia ins the eastern part. these are part of a regular diplomatic thing called the veriena documents. once a year or several times a year, they were just -- >> russia wra is a significant tore. >> this is not even monitors for this as a particular ongoing responsibility of the international community.
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they are partners to this. >> we'll have a break here and see you later. talk some politics. don't leave yet. up next, indiana governor mike pentz making big changes in the hoosier state and possibly setting himself up for a presidential run in 2016. mike pentz joins us next.
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>> in a sea of the presidential contest, it's as wide open as any in recent memory, among the names being mentioned is a potential candidate, and several recent appearances have created conservative buzz around indiana governor mike penz as ae outsid. he joins us now. governor, welcome back to fox news sunday. >> thank you, chris. >> you spoke at the nra's annual leadership conference forum which is held in indianapolis this weekend. you also recently signed a law that would allow guns in locked
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vehicles in school parking lots. the indianapolis school superintendent had this to say about that law. young people, schools, guns, and all of that is a mix for something inappropriate. question, governor. do we really need guns closer to schools? >> well, let me say, chris, i had strongly supported the right to keep and bare arms. i truly believe that firearms in the hands of law-abiding citizens makes our families and our communities more safe, not less safe, and the bill that we just signed here really was a commonsense reform. we actually had parents that had a permit to conceal and carry a weapon that were finding themselves guilty of a felony just by dropping their kids off to school.
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>> there's a law that would allow guns in churches, bars, and nonsecure parts of airports. question, is that a good idea? >> you know, i haven't looked at that legislation, and so i would hesitate to comment on it. i want to say again, we welcome the national rifle association here at indianapolis. it's tens of thousands of freedom-loving americans. i was grateful to be able to speak to them, and i really do believe that the right of law-abiding sit sfwlenz to keep and bare arms makes our communities more safe, not less safe. that's being celebrated here in indianapolis today. for however long i serve in public life, i'll stand on that basic liberty of right to keep and bare arms. >> you and i talked often on this show during your 12 years as a member of congress in the
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2012 you were elected governor of indiana, and i want to take a look at some of the highlights of your record in this last two plus or almost two years. so far you have cut taxes dramatically. you preceded over indiana as the first state to pull out of the common core education standards. you pushed a big increase many private school vouchers, and you signed a law to spend as much as $400 million on new highway projects. question, is there a common theme there, governor? is there a governoring philosophy in everything you've been trying to do? >> i really think there is. that's why we say indiana is a state that works, chris. we're drating that you can balance budgets, has strong reserves. nearly $2 billion in the bank. you can still infrastructures and roads, education, innovation, and educational opportunity. the results speak for themselves. we have the lowest unemployment rate in the midwest. we have one of the fastest
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growing labor forces in the country, and our state is prospering even during these uncertain times because for some time here in indiana we have been putting commonsense principles into practice, living within our means, letting them keep more of what they earn, promoting economic freedom like the right to work, and that's why you are seeing increased investment in indiana, more jobs in indiana, and i'm awful proud. they're over the poverty line and now pay into the system before they start getting benefits. what's the idea behind that, sir? >> it's an idea we developed about five years ago in indiana. it's along the principles of consumer driven health care. you know, when people take
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greater ownership of their own health care and are encouraged to do that in a health plan, their health gets better. they pursue more wellness opportunities. we get them from emergency room care to primary care. also, it bend the cost curve over the long-term, where we're currently working with the administration to see if we might be able to build on the principles of health savings accounts and consumer-driven health care here in the state of indiana. we really think health savings accounts were kind of invented in indiana. 95% of my state employees have health savings accounts. we have the healthy i understand plan. we think it's an idea whose team has come, and we think consumer-driven health care, rather than government driven health care or government mandated health care is the real future of health care in america. >> you have not confined yourself to issues concerning indiana during a recent trade mission to germany. recently you criticized the way president obama has been handling ukraine, and you offered this suggestion.
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take a look. >> the continued instability in the middle east and with putin's suppression in ukraine, i believe we must take immediate steps to strengthen our mutual security by deploying a robust muscle defense in all of europe. >> why is the governor of i wanted i understand hoosiers have had a longstanding interest in issues affecting the nation at home and abroad, and i'm no different than that. when i was there, i thought it was important to speak about
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what i believe would be the right response to russian aggression in ukraine. i'm pleased to hear there's more sanctions maybe coming tomorrow. the truth of the matter is i think we need less talk and more deeds, and by passing and moving rapidly to pass the trans-atlantic trade partnership and, frankly, by deploying a robust missile shield throughout europe, including in poland and the czech republic that was off line in 2009 by this administration i think would send a very strong message to putin and to russia wra that nato countries and the united states are going to respond by growing stronger economically and strategically, and i believe that -- i believe that's going to have a lot more influence in the long haul than more sanctions and more talk, however meritous those are at the end of the day i think i've always believed in ronald reagan's
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adage, peace through strength. let's go stronger on a trans-atlantic basis. i would love to allow poland and the czech republic to have that missile shield if they were entitled to by joining nato. i think that's the right strategic response to russian aggression. >> bhaets the possibility of your running for president, sir? i just happened to notice next month in may you're going to be speaking before the wisconsin state gop convention, and in june you're going to be speaking before the alabama state gop convention. forgive me for being a little bit political here, but it seems like you're leaving the door wried open to running for president. >> chris, honestly, my focus is entirely on the future of the people of indiana. we'll let my future take care of itself. >> why are you speaking to the state conventions in wisconsin and alabama? >>. >> look, despite the fact that some in washington d.c., for
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decades, have thought of state governments as territorial outposts of the national deposit, what we've seen in recent years is the rise of leaders at the state level that have been demonstrating from here in indiana to wisconsin, to all over the country. the character and the caliber of leadership that's producing real results, and the time that i can spare away from focussing here in indiana, i'm focused on electing and re-electing republican governors. i'm going to be excited to campaign with scott walker in the days ahead with governor bentley in alabama in the days ahead. i really do believe that the cure for what ails this country is going to come more from our nation's state capital than it ever will from our nation's capital. >> you know, i don't want to beat a dead horse, but i'll -- back in 2012 you were thinking about running for president. you decided not to. i mean, does that -- i mean, does the idea that perhaps you are going to help solve the nation's problems, does that still beat inside you? >> let me be honest with you.
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i'm always humbled and flattered any time i mentioned to the highest office in the land, but i honestly think much of that talk is a result of the progress that people of indiana have been making. the fact is we have the lowest unemployment rate in the midwest brsh we've demonstrated the ability to balance our budgets and expand opportunities and infrastructure. i'll take the compliments to heart, but i will defer it to the progress to people of indiana that have made and will stay phobinged here at home. >> governor, thank you. thanks for joining us. we'll be following what you will eventually decide about 2016, and i'll leave this as to be continued, sir. >> thank you, chris. >> when we come back, hillary clinton and jeb bush continue to fan speculation we may be headed for another bush-clinton matchup. our panel comes back to read the tea leaves. plus, what would you like to ask the panel about the presidential race? just go to facebook or twitter
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and fox news sunday. we may use your question on the air.
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dealing with ben ghazi this weekend, which i don't feel would be an issue in a presidential campaign. we've lesched learned that the name of her memoir that's coming out in june is "hard choices." caroline kennedy, the ambassador to japan, who famously endorsed and supported barack obama in 2008 now says she would absolutely support hillary clinton in 2016. that brings us to the question, is she running? >> i sort of think so, but i don't think it's going to be a coronation. when was the last time a political party has had a coronation, an open nomination that was essentially uncontested? 1956 i think with andy stevenson. that didn't turn out so great for a second time. she's been asked what is it about your ten years as secretary of state and what you get is sort of gas reminiscent of when roger mudd of cbs asked ted kennedy, and not unexpected question of 1980, why are you running for president?
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by the time ted kennedy quit stamorring, he was handicapped. she looks to me as not formidable. >> then there is jeb bush who was asked this week what his immediate plans are, and he said this. put it up on the screen. i'm thinking about running for president. while there were no cameras there, there were cameras a couple of weeks ago when bush talked about his approach to illegal immigration. take a look. >> yes. they broke the law, but it's not a felony. it's kind of -- it's an act of love. it's an act of commitment to your family. >> someone who has spent a fair amount of time in the bush family is swreb running and how do you think his kinder, gentler approach to immigration reform is going to sit with the republican base? >> well, first of all, i don't know, and he is thinking about it, but i know one thing, he is a very disciplined person.
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he is going to think about it and make a decision neck year and nothing in between now and then is going to force him to make a decision. of all of the bushes, i suspect he is the most stubborn, except for one, and we know who she is. >> if you had -- if i were betting, i don't know. it requires to have definitive positions. i would say yes, but here's the thing. i also know he is a very deliberate thoughtful guy. he is the biggest thinker on our side. i'm glad he is thinking about doing it. he is going to make up his own mind based on a very complicated set of personal calculations sometime next year. >>. >> well, look. this is a reminder of what he is going to face. the last time, when you are in mrixz, you get in the habit and get in training and you bring your best in. last time he was on the ballot was 2002. what he said immediately before the film clip that you so
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artfully edited out was something that everybody would have agreed. he said, look, let's keep in perspective why people come here illegally. they come here in order to get a job and provide for their families. then it families and that's where it went. it was inartful, but up to that point he said, even if you oppose immigration reform and opponents that have begun to admit that's the rational that we have to deal with. >> speaking of integration, speaker john boehner this week, and i love this piece of tape, which is mainly the reason we are asking questions about it, openly mocked house republicans for flocking his efforts at immigration reform. take a look at this. >> here's the attitude, oh, don't make me do this! oh, this is too hard. >> i think i lived up to it. one, one ofner's closest advisers said either he's absolutely determined to push
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immigration reform this year or he's getting ready to move to his condo in florida and retire. >> well, there's more and more talk about that retirement issue that maybe he's -- he's gone a step too far in mocking his own caucus, and particularly the tea party element. and specifically putting pressure on the chair of the house judiciary committee by virginia despite pressure coming from boehner. boner feels there's a he wants a speak tore have some establishments for the republican congress in general. in addition to those comments, he said 80% of the people, 20% are trying to make money off of everybody out there and he has gone after people that he thinks don't understand that politics is about winning. and he wants to win. so for the moment, from my perspective, he's not the only
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one mocking these people on the republican side. and i take my hat off to john boehner. he's calling his party out in a way that's responsible. >> i'm sure he's going to be appreciative. >> i'm sure he didn't appreciate that. >> we asked you for questions from the panel and got this on facebook from james ryan who asked about a possible bush/clinton match-up, how can we prevent politics from becoming the family business. amy, a couple of questions, first, how do you write, if he decides to run, as carl rove just guaranteed that he does, how do you rate his chances of winning the republican nomination and how do you answer james and others who got e-mails that say they are turned off the idea of the dynasty again. >> the point about jeb is the one that carl raised is not being on the ballot in ten years is a big issue. think how much has changed just in campaigning over the last ten
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years. i don't think i had -- maybe i had a blackberry ten years ago, but i don't think i did. think of all the mechanics of campaigning. the 24/7 minute-by-minute campaigning he has not been a part of. i think that's going to be a bigger problem for him than some of the positions. on immigration, for example, look, by the time we get to 2016 and these folks are sitting on the diet and having a bait on these issues, every one has to take a position more moderate than you're hearing from the more conservative elements of the party. everybody in the party, 70% of the folks who are on that stage, know that they have got to get right on this issue. >> and on 30 seconds, what about the thing with dynasties? >> it costs a lot of money to run for president. it is very difficult to get your name out there. and people don't want to do this anymore. why would you want to run for
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president when you know what they are up against? that could be why you won't see a bush and a clinton, because they know what they have to go to. >> thank you, panel, see you next week. two giants of the church are declared saints. declared saints. ♪
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predecessor, ben dikedict xvi, e john paul xxii and pope john paul ii were declared popes. amy kellogg reports from rome. >> reporter: chris, the streets of rome are alive with nearly a million pilgrims full of joy and reference as two new saints are ushered in. in an unprecedented move, pope francis decided to canonize two popes in one ceremony today. even pope benedict xvi hardly seen in public since his decision to retire celebrated in the mass. john xxiii was known for convening the second vatican counsel that modernized the church by changing the translation fr translation. many believe the pope decided to sanctity them simultaneously for
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showing their similarities between the church. pope john paul ii brought people to the church with his tireless globe trotting. >> it is fun to be a part of the canonization. >> i kind of knew these people. and one of them i touched and helped carry in the final years of his life. >> reporter: most saints had two miracles attributed to them, like the mysterious disappearance of the parkinson's disease in this nun who prayed to john paul ii. and john xxii is associated with only one miracle, and john paul ii was fast-tracked by popular demand. the first non-italian pope in centuries, a polish pope was a gift to his people as they struggled to keep alive under the godless communist system. >> he was a man of a lot of
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prayer. not a whole lot of chit-chat, but there was a lot of prayer in that. i would add evangelize as well. >> reporter: there are those that feel john paul ii did not do enough to address the child sex abuse case that is came to light in large numbers during his pontiff cat. >> that's the back page of his papa papacy. in my opinion, the last year he was not formed enough about a lot of details. >> reporter: john xxiii was from a normal family in italy known for being personable. he was credited for thousands of jews being saved. even before vat condition ii, he was truly ahead of his time making visits to prisons and hospitals. a man after the current pope francis' heart. chris? >> amy kellogg reporting from rome, thank you for that report on a very special day. that's it for a packed show.
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have a great week. and we'll see you next "fox news sunday." stuff caught on tape from the owner of the la clippers. four seconds, governor huckabee. tonight on huckabee, their daughter justina is held by the state. the family converts massachusetts governor patrick and te mands action. >> can you help and you are not doing it? >> you are better off. and family lives and doing things or are they doing subsidies. the government reacts to the comments. and greg on who is cool and what is not cool ♪ ladies a